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You trust your pharmacy to provide your prescriptions in whole and with factual dosing directions. But what happens when your pharmacist makes a mistake? In the event of negligence on their part, it’s important to understand your options.
Did you know that prescription errors are one of the single most common types of medical malpractice? What’s more, there are several ways in which this can happen. As a medical professional, your pharmacist can be considered negligent under the following circumstances:
As you can see, there is a lot of room for potential error; many of which can lead to personal injury. If you are the victim of such an unfortunate event, it’s best that you contact a skilled pharmacy error attorney who can represent you in investigating your claim.
You should first make an effort to collect as much pertinent information as you can regarding the pharmacy error. As such, you want to be sure to hang onto your prescription bottle, as well as any packaging, receipts, labels, and anything else related to your medication.
Once you have done so, you should contact Kennedy Law Firm, LLP. An experienced attorney will then send a letter of representation to your pharmacy. Please be aware that your pharmacy may attempt to speak with you to get a recorded statement. If this happens, kindly refuse.
Anything that you tell them could be used against you in court. Therefore, always let the experts at Kennedy Law Firm handle these matters.
With more than 20 years of experience representing the Houston area, Kennedy Law Firm is your trusted source for pharmacy negligence and malpractice. If you have suffered harm due to pharmacy error, you can trust Kennedy Law Firm to work hard to make you whole.
When you hire Kennedy Law Firm for pharmacy negligence, our legal experts will first collect evidence to show the court that you have a medical relationship with the pharmacy you’re suing. Then, we will get to work on proving that there was negligence on your pharmacy’s part.
In cases such as these, it’s necessary to prove that your pharmacy’s error caused you personal injury, as well as the extent of your damages. We will work closely with you to ensure that we can show the court the result of your pharmacy’s negligence.
Remember, the state of Texas has a two-year Statute of Limitations on personal injury lawsuits, so it’s important to act quickly. Call Kennedy Law Firm, LLP today at (713) 804-9360. We look forward to assisting you in getting the award you deserve.