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If you have suffered from an injury after an accident, you know how quickly your life can change. You may be out of work for weeks, months, or even for the rest of your career. Your damage may be temporary, like a broken bone, or you may have to learn to accommodate your injury for the rest of your life.
One thing that remains constant about most injuries sustained in an accident—no matter how serious—is that the injury does not fundamentally change who you are. Your entire self, such as your personality or the way you think and interact, remains the same regardless of the physical injuries you have endured. The injury that changes all of that, however, is an injury to your brain, which warrants immediate contact with a personal injury attorney in Houston. Schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable Houston brain injury lawyer.
A traumatic brain injury starts just as any other injury would, as the result of a serious accident. Unlike other injuries, however, brains do not often recover to their previous level and manner of function. Many victims of even mild traumatic brain injury experience cognitive problems as well as changes in personality and moods, and these changes are often permanent.
Brain injuries are typically divided into two categories, mild and severe. Mild brain injuries are very common and are typically seen in the form of concussions. While some people make full recoveries from mild brain injuries, other may see lasting symptoms for a year or more. These symptoms can include memory loss, mood changes, and confusion, which can be incredibly frustrating for victims as they try to return to normal life. These symptoms typically last less than a few months, but many people battle them for over a year.
More serious traumatic brain injuries are typically associated with a victim’s loss of consciousness for over 20 minutes. Recovery is uncertain, and it depends on the extent of the injury as well as the areas of brain that have been affected. Victims of these traumatic brain injuries may lose physical and cognitive functions and can experience severe social and psychological impairments.
Brain injuries can affect a victim’s ability to work, form relationships, or even live independently. These injuries have a lifelong impact on both victims and their loved ones and can be incredibly financially draining on a family over even a short period of time.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 1.5 million traumatic brain injuries occur each year, and there are currently over 5.3 million people living with permanent disabilities caused by a brain injury.
The leading cause of traumatic brain injuries is car accidents, with falls accounting for another large portion. In a car accident or fall, the brain undergoes a tremendous amount of stress, whether from a direct impact or even severe whiplash. In these scenarios, the brain suffers from damage in specific points (focal damage) as well as widespread damage (diffuse damage) as the brain stretches and swells. Another common cause of workplace brain injuries is chemical exposure, where toxic chemicals damage the delicate neurons in the brain.
Whether the brain injury was caused by a negligent driver or a workplace accident, you (or your injured loved one) deserve compensation for necessary medical care as well as lost wages and suffering. At Kennedy Law Firm LLP, our aggressive team of attorneys can fight hard to recover your damages, while also providing you with the compassionate care and service you need in your legal team. To schedule a free consultation, call us today.