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Working around open water can be a very dangerous job. There are a number of dangers that maritime workers face on a regular basis, including drowning, explosions and fires, falls, injuries caused by heavy machinery, exposure to toxic chemicals, and more. Harbor workers also frequently get repetitive motion injuries and repetitive strain injuries.
Harbor workers are protected against injuries on the job by the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, which is a federal law. Injured workers can seek the compensation to which they are entitled by filing LHWCA claims. Compensation is available to employees who have jobs on the waterfront who are not protected by the Jones Act. The LHWCA was intended to fill a gap between workers’ compensation programs and protection provided by the Jones Act.
In order to obtain compensation, the injured harbor worker is required to file a claim very quickly. The workers must notify the employer of the injury within 30 days and must file a claim within a year. Benefits that are available under the LHWCA include compensation for medical expenses, disability payments, rehab, and wrongful death. The injured worker is not required to show negligence as a cause of the accident.
If you are a harbor worker in Houston, you have been injured, and you want to know more about your legal rights, we will provide you with a free consultation on your case. Call today to learn more or to schedule that consultation.