Although a surgical instrument being left inside a body cavity after surgery may sound very unusual, a survey found that over 4,000 people per year in the U.S. have instruments or equipment left behind in their bodies after surgery. As a result, the victims can suffer from pain, infections, and even death as a result. Doctors performing surgeries may use
No, your case is not guaranteed to go to trial. Most cases settle before trial, and some are settled before a lawsuit is even filed. However, others must go to trial if a settlement cannot be reached. If a medical malpractice case goes go to trial, it can last anywhere from a few months to a few years. There are
Medical errors have been estimated to be the third leading cause of death in the U.S., only behind heart disease and cancer. Medical errors cause at least 250,000 deaths each year. Unfortunately, Texas laws make it difficult for medical malpractice victims to pursue their cases. However, if you have been harmed by a medical professional in Texas, you should talk
Unfortunately, proving who or what caused your injuries is often the most difficult part of a medical malpractice case. Medical malpractice is medical treatment that falls below the acceptable standard of care and causes a patient harm. If you are harmed by a medical provider, you have the burden to prove that a medical professional deviated from the acceptable standard
Yes, if any medical professional makes an error that causes you harm, you may be able to sue for medical malpractice. Unfortunately, tests such as x-rays and ultrasounds are not very helpful if the medical professionals who interpret them make an error. If a doctor fails to notice or diagnose a condition which is revealed by one of those tests,
Dirty surgical instruments can often lead to infections. This can be especially serious for young children, the elderly, or patients with compromised immune systems. Instruments that are commonly used in surgeries have become smaller and much more complex in recent years, which can make them extremely challenging to clean. In recent years, there have been outbreaks across the country of
Texas can be a difficult state in which to pursue medical malpractice claims. The maximum payouts are lower than in most other states, which can discourage many victims from attempting to obtain justice for their situation. However, if you believe that you were injured because of the wrongful actions of a health care professional, you should speak with an attorney.
When a patient visits a hospital or medical facility for a surgical procedure, there is an expectation that the surgery will be performed correctly. However, if a facility or a medical professional is negligent and that negligence leads to death, surviving family members can take legal actions against the negligent parties. Medical malpractice can happen during surgery in a number
The lives of patients can be placed at serious risk if doctors and other medical professionals do not take appropriate actions to prevent the spread of infections during and after surgery. Unfortunately, infections after surgery are on the rise, particularly due to a rise in the number of drug resistant bacteria strains. It’s been estimated that about 200 people die
A study was recently released containing the top reasons that doctors were sued, and what impact that had on their practices. The survey showed that over half (59 percent) of doctors had been named in at least one malpractice lawsuit. The doctors most likely to be sued include ob/gyns, surgeons, orthopedists, radiologists, and anesthesiologists. By far, the two most common