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Tips for employees: How to know if your employer has misclassified you as an Independent Contractor: Learn 3 factors that affect employee FLSA status.
One of the most common tactics employers use to save money and avoid paying federal taxes is to label their employees “independent contractors.” Many employees are misclassified under this term, but they have no idea how it affects their paycheck.
Many times, it is not immediately clear whether an employee is an independent contractor or an employee. The facts of your particular work situation, including your job duties will help to determine the answer to your case.
3 Factors to determine employee versus independent contractor classification
Every case has to be looked at independently, but there are some broad tests that help clarify FLSA status. Three factors look at the amount of control in a work setting:
Some of the questions used to determine independent contractor status are:
If you are classified as an independent contractor by your employer, but you feel you are working as an employee, learn your FLSA rights by ordering a FREE copy of our wage and overtime guide today. Pay close attention to Chapter 9: Have you been misclassified as an independent contractor? Find out how you may be cheated out of wages.
If you really want to delve deep into the legalese of independent contractor status, you may be interested in reading the attached legal brief we filed in an actual case. In this case, we represented a group of about 20 employees whose supervisor told them they were independent contractors and, therefore, were not entitled to overtime pay. However, the company controlled virtually all aspects of their work. We filed a Motion for Summary Judgment asking the court to declare our clients as employees. The case settled prior to the court ruling on the motion.