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Fetal strokes do occur in a tiny percentage of births. A fetal stroke occurs when blood flow to an unborn child’s brain is restricted. There are a number of factors that can be attributed to a fetal stroke, including the negligent use of instruments during delivery. Some strokes occur naturally and through no fault of the medical team. Fetal strokes can be caused by preclampsia, gestational diabetes, blood clots, trauma to the head during delivery, detachment of the placenta prematurely, and other causes.
The response time after discovery of the stroke is a major factor in how severe the injuries are. In some cases, the fetal stroke occurs a long time before delivery, while others may occur during or after delivery. Some are discovered immediately, while others may not be found until after the child is born and clearly has an impairment.
Some fetal strokes can be minor and the child may recover quickly with no lasting effects. However, many are serious. Some can permanently affect the child’s quality of life, and could require a lifetime of care. Some common conditions that can result from fetal strokes include epilepsy, retardation, cerebral palsy, and other developmental problems.
Lifetime care for a child with special needs can be extremely expensive, and can place huge pressures on the family’s finances. Therefore, if your child has been injured as a result of a fetal stroke, you should speak with an attorney right away in order to determine if you can recover compensation for your child.
If you are in the Houston area and your child has suffered a fetal stroke, call the Kennedy legal team. Our team can help.