  • calender 25 November 2020 category Pharmacy Error
    Medication errors harm over a million people every year, and the costs associated with the errors numbers in the billions. Despite the duty of care that healthcare providers are committed to and strive for, negligence, and malpractice when it comes to prescribing, administering, and dispensing medications occurs at staggering rates. If you are reading this article, you may be one
  • calender 17 November 2020 category Pharmacy Error
    Have you ever noticed that Walgreens Pharmacies are usually extremely busy? You will likely see every pharmacist and technician occupied with a customer when you enter the pharmacy area of one of their stores. Which makes you think that they are chronically understaffed - and maybe they are. Does it make you wonder why they don't just hire more people?
  • We've all been there: standing at the pharmacy line, signing our name on the dotted line - indicating the pharmacist offered counseling and we accepted (or declined) said counseling. Most people are focused on finishing the errand and moving on with our lives. We blindly trust that the doctor and the pharmacist got the medication right, the dosing right, but,
  • calender 12 November 2020 category Pharmacy Error
    Each year, approximately 1.5 million people are harmed due to pharmacy errors. Let's face it. Our pharmacies and pharmacists are short-staffed, distracted, and overworked, relying increasingly on pharmacy assistants to help in the process of filling and administering prescriptions. Though errors are infrequent, you must be your own advocate when making sure you've received what the doctor ordered, that the
  • When you take the right medication, dosage, and for the correct length of time, it can save your life. Medicine not taken correctly can cause deathly consequences to adults and children. Giving the wrong dose and medication to children can have more severe consequences than the same mistake given to an adult. Children are smaller than adults, and their immune systems
  • calender 21 July 2020 category Birth Injury
    When a child enters the world, it is not always a smooth and easy process. There are many risks to the overall health of both the mother and the child. One type of injury that is particularly dangerous for babies is a brachial plexus injury. The injury occurs when the nerves that send signals from the spine to the shoulder,
  • calender 17 July 2020 category Birth Injury
    Prolonged labor can commonly lead to birth injuries. Typically, when labor lasts a long time, medical professionals must make decisions about minimizing the risk of injury to the mother and child. This may include using forceps or vacuum devices to deliver the child, giving the mother drugs to help with contractions, performing an emergency c-section, or taking other actions. In
  • Pursing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit When a Negligent Driver Causes Your Loved One’s Death
    calender 01 July 2020 category General
    The tragedy of a car accident is compounded when a family member dies as a result of his injuries. This is especially true when a negligent driver causes a crash that could have been prevented. Unfortunately, fatalities in car wrecks are increasing instead of decreasing. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an estimated 17,775 people were killed
  • Why a Prompt Spoliation Letter Can Make a Difference in Your Injury Claim
    calender 01 July 2020 category General
    When a truck accident occurs, the damage can be devastating. In many cases, the drivers and passengers of the other vehicles involved experience serious, traumatic injuries. Afterward, they face long, painful recoveries. Often, they must miss work and are unable to experience life in the same manner as before. They pursue personal injury cases to help maintain their family’s security
  • calender 01 July 2020 category General
    Millions of people are living with type 2 diabetes in the United States. Depending on the severity of the condition, some patients may need to take medication to control their symptoms and prevent dangerous complications. Unfortunately, however, one such medication used to treat type 2 diabetes has since been linked to the dangerous condition diabetic ketoacidosis. This medication, Invokana, was