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In a standard accident with a car or truck, the driver typically has an insurance policy that will cover damages, or they can be held personally liable for any injuries that are a result of their actions. However, if a driver is involved in an accident involving a mail truck, liability for that accident is much more complex because a governmental entity is involved.
A legal concept called sovereign immunity protects federal and state governments from lawsuits. However, victims of accidents are still allowed to file claims using the Federal Tort Claims Act. As you can imagine, these types of lawsuits involve a great deal of bureaucracy and cutting through red tape. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have legal representation any time you are dealing with a lawsuit against a governmental entity.
If you do have a claim against a governmental entity, you must file it immediately in order to secure your claim for compensation. After your claim, you should receive a response from the government about your claim and the amount of compensation it agrees to pay for your injuries. If you believe you are entitled to more, you can file a lawsuit within six month and seek additional damages.
If you have been injured in an accident involving a governmental entity, we will help advise you on the best way to pursue a claim against a government entity. Call today to learn more or to schedule your free consultation.