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There are a number of common types of medical malpractice. Most medical malpractice cases fall into one of these categories.
One common type of errors is mistakes made during the anesthesia process. Fortunately, anesthesia is safer now than ever before. However, mistakes still occur. There are overdoses, wrong medications given, too little medication given, and other errors. In very serious cases, victims of errors during the anesthesia process could experience brain injuries, respiratory issues, or even death.
Failing to diagnose a medical condition is one of the most common types of medical malpractice. If a patient is not correctly diagnosed, the patient will not be promptly or correctly treated. This can lead to new conditions developing or to the undiagnosed condition worsening.
Medication errors are another common type of medical malpractice. Most people take their medications and trust their doctors and pharmacists. However, it’s been estimated that medication errors hurt as many as 1.3 million people annually. Medication errors are more common when there are multiple health providers without correct information.
Birth injuries are also another type of medical malpractice. They can happen because of complications related to pregnancy, labor, and delivery. This type of medical malpractice can hurt both mothers and children. Many of these types of injuries are not immediately apparent.
If you have been injured by a doctor in Houston, you should speak with an attorney. We can help. Call us today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation on your case.