  • Pharmacy Errors And Injuries From Underdosing
    calender 15 January 2021 category Pharmacy Error
    Many articles exist about patients overdosing due to pharmacy error. But what about cases where an inadequate dosage of medication is either instructed (improper labeling) or dispensed? Both overdosing AND underdosing can result in long-term patient injury. Today we will focus on complications resulting from underdosing. Common sense would tell us that when we are treated for a condition, and
  • Walgreens & Pharmacy Errors
    calender 12 January 2021 category Pharmacy Error
    Quite like Starbucks, a Walgreens Pharmacy is probably within 5 miles of you in several different directions. Walgreens locations number in the thousands and exist in all states in the U.S. They fill billions of prescriptions each year and also experience their share of dispensing errors. Many claims of pharmacy negligence and malpractice originated against Walgreens Pharmacies. As a matter
  • I Have Been Harmed By A Pharmacy Error. What Do I Do Now?
    calender 07 January 2021 category Pharmacy Error
    If a pharmacy dispensed the wrong medication or made any mistake with your prescription, and, as a result, your health or a loved one's was negatively affected, you have the right to file a claim for negligence or malpractice. This type of claim falls under "personal injury law." NOTE: Each state has different laws governing personal injury cases; therefore, the
  • The Pharmacist’s Role in Your Health Care
    calender 05 January 2021 category Pharmacy Error
    A pharmacist is a patient's most accessible health care provider. If you think about it, pharmacists advise on prescription medications, over the counter medications, as well as health and vitamin supplements. This advice is available in-person or over the phone - without the need for an appointment. This fact is impressive, considering all of the things a pharmacist is juggling
  • calender 10 December 2020 category Pharmacy Error
    Imagine you are a pregnant woman experiencing high blood pressure in the latter half of your pregnancy. Your doctor has coached you to ditch the salt, de-stress, take more walks, etc., to lower your blood pressure the natural way, but it isn't working. As a last resort, the doctor prescribes a blood-pressure-lowering medication to avoid complications for you and your
  • Errors That Kill
    calender 08 December 2020 category Pharmacy Error
    Several years ago, a gentleman was picking up a prescription for his wife, and unbeknownst to him at the time, the medication prescribed by the doctor was not what he took home. The error started when the doctor's office phoned in the prescription to the pharmacy. The technician (not the pharmacist) took the order and gave the information to the
  • calender 30 November 2020 category Pharmacy Error
    Of course, no pharmacist intentionally means to harm a patient. In fact, they intend to use every resource at their disposal to prevent harming a patient. But they can be a victim of their own circumstance. In case you haven't noticed lately, pharmacy environments can be very chaotic. Pharmacists are called upon to dispense medication, phone doctors, phone patients, work
  • calender 25 November 2020 category Pharmacy Error
    Medication errors harm over a million people every year, and the costs associated with the errors numbers in the billions. Despite the duty of care that healthcare providers are committed to and strive for, negligence, and malpractice when it comes to prescribing, administering, and dispensing medications occurs at staggering rates. If you are reading this article, you may be one
  • calender 17 November 2020 category Pharmacy Error
    Have you ever noticed that Walgreens Pharmacies are usually extremely busy? You will likely see every pharmacist and technician occupied with a customer when you enter the pharmacy area of one of their stores. Which makes you think that they are chronically understaffed - and maybe they are. Does it make you wonder why they don't just hire more people?
  • calender 12 November 2020 category Pharmacy Error
    Each year, approximately 1.5 million people are harmed due to pharmacy errors. Let's face it. Our pharmacies and pharmacists are short-staffed, distracted, and overworked, relying increasingly on pharmacy assistants to help in the process of filling and administering prescriptions. Though errors are infrequent, you must be your own advocate when making sure you've received what the doctor ordered, that the