- Holidays
- Vacation time
- Sick time
- Personal time
- Other paid time off
As a general rule of thumb, any time you are paid for hours that you are not performing work duties probably doesn’t count toward overall overtime calculation. What Hours Count Toward Overtime Calculations? Time worked, for overtime purposes, includes only the hours you actually spent working.
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If you work full time, were paid for a day you did not work, and work a make-up day later in the week, your paycheck should show 48 hours of straight time. If you actually report to work on the holiday, work a regular shift, and then work additional hours later in the week, then you should receive time-and-a-half for any hours over 40 that week. If you need help determining if you are being paid appropriately, reach out to us today. Did you find this article helpful? Do you have questions or concerns? Email our team today, and let us know how we’re doing!