  • calender 27 November 2017 category Accidents & Injuries
    Mesothelioma is a rare and deadly form of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. For years, the manufacturers of asbestos hid the dangers from the public, which placed millions at risk of premature death. Mesothelioma results from the accumulation of asbestos fibers in the lungs. Since it can happen slowly, many victims live for years or decades without
  • calender 01 May 2017 category Accidents & Injuries
    Property owners, employers, and business owners are responsible for providing a safe environment for people who visit their premises, to ensure that no one is physically endangered. However, it can be expensive to properly keep a property maintained, and those individuals in charge will sometimes choose to skimp on maintenance or cut corners in order to save money. This can
  • calender 29 December 2016 category Accidents & Injuries
    Tragically, pedestrian deaths appear to be on the rise in Houston. The number of pedestrian deaths is increasing every month, leading police to investigate what is behind the increase. Many of the deaths occur when pedestrians fail to use crosswalks, particularly at night when pedestrians may not be visible to drivers. In addition, the increase in deaths appears to be
  • calender 22 December 2016 category Accidents & Injuries
    Washington, DC law is notoriously strict in its stance on car accident fault and one’s ability to pursue a personal injury case. The district follows what is known as contributory fault. This rule is particularly harsh and prevents an injured person from suing an at-fault party if the victim shares any amount of blame for an accident—no matter how small.
  • calender 19 May 2016 category Accidents & Injuries
    In a standard accident with a car or truck, the driver typically has an insurance policy that will cover damages, or they can be held personally liable for any injuries that are a result of their actions. However, if a driver is involved in an accident involving a mail truck, liability for that accident is much more complex because a
  • calender 09 May 2016 category Accidents & Injuries
    You may assume that nothing will happen on a walk between your vehicle and a business, but there are a number of accidents that are common in parking lots. When a property owner fails to maintain a parking lot, the property owner can be held legally liable for any damages that occur to visitors as a result of the dangers.
  • calender 10 November 2015 category Accidents & Injuries
    A 14 year old was seriously injured after she was involved in a hit-and-run accident in South Houston last week. The accident occurred near Cullen Middle School, which is in front of Yellowstone Park. According to the girl’s mother, the girl, her younger sister, and some friends were walking to the middle school in the afternoon to pick up the
  • calender 24 August 2015 category Accidents & Injuries
    Traffic deaths are 14 percent higher through the first six months of 2015 than they were during the same period in 2014. Serious injuries due to car accidents are 30 percent higher. From January 1 until June 30, almost 19,000 people died in traffic accidents in the U.S. Over 2.2 million people were seriously injured and required medical attention. These
  • calender 23 February 2015 category Accidents & Injuries
    Unfortunately for construction site workers, injuries are an all too common occurrence. In some cases, the only recourse for injured workers is to pursue a claim for workers’ compensation. In other cases, however, an injured worker may have a claim against a third party. To have such a claim, the third party must have owed you a duty and failed
  • calender 29 December 2014 category Accidents & Injuries
    Bike sharing programs, such as the Houston B-cycle program available in Houston, offer a great way to easily transport people around a city, while helping the environment. However, there may be a downside to the programs that was recently discovered by some American and Canadian researchers. The researchers studied ten cities - five with bike-share programs and five without. In